California's Senate Bill 1383
Embracing Sustainable Practices

In the face of escalating environmental challenges, California has enacted Senate Bill 1383 (SB 1383), a groundbreaking legislation to reduce methane emissions and promote the reuse of organic waste. This bill is a critical step towards addressing climate change and managing the state’s waste sustainably. Alimentary Systems, with its innovative solutions in waste management, stands poised to support and enhance these efforts.

The Imperative of SB 1383

Signed into law in September 2016, SB 1383 mandates a 40% reduction in methane emissions by 2030 compared to 2013. Furthermore, it requires a 75% diversion of organics from landfills by 2025, using 2014 levels as a baseline. This legislation is particularly significant for California, a state grappling with severe water shortages and topsoil erosion. California can simultaneously address multiple environmental issues by redirecting organic waste from landfills to beneficial uses such as biosolids application.

The Role of Wastewater Treatment Plants

The forthcoming report from the State Water Resources Control Board highlights the potential of California's wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in this endeavour. It estimates that WWTPs have sufficient excess digester capacity to accommodate between 2.4 and 8.6 million tons of municipal food waste. This existing infrastructure can substantially reduce the need for new anaerobic digestion (AD) facilities, lowering the capital investment required to expand waste processing capacity.

Leveraging Existing Infrastructure

Maximising existing WWTP infrastructure involves minor upgrades to critical components such as biosolids dewatering and biogas utilisation systems. This approach saves resources and accelerates the implementation of SB 1383’s mandates. According to CalRecycle, diverting approximately 3.8 million tons of food waste to AD by 2025 is crucial. The current capacity of WWTPs offers a substantial starting point, provided local jurisdictions collaborate effectively to enhance the necessary infrastructure.

Addressing the Challenges

One significant challenge is the reluctance of some sewer districts to convey food waste through sewer lines due to potential corrosion and increased methane generation. Innovative solutions are needed to overcome these obstacles and ensure the safe and efficient transport and processing of food waste.

Alimentary Systems: Driving Innovation in Waste Management

Alimentary Systems is at the forefront of developing and implementing cutting-edge technologies that align with the goals of SB 1383. By focusing on sustainable waste management practices, Alimentary Systems is helping to transform organic waste into valuable resources. Our solutions facilitate the co-digestion of food waste at WWTPs, enhancing biogas production and biosolids quality, which can be used to enrich agricultural soils.

Mitigating Risks and Maximising Value

Alimentary Systems has pioneered a solution for municipalities facing these challenges that reduces the risk of sending contaminated organic waste to landfills by 95%. This approach saves significant capital costs by consolidating infrastructure, resulting in up to 85% savings compared with last-generation technology. Our processing patents apply biomimicry to

remove pathogens and contaminants, ensuring the outputs are safe and energy-efficient. These outputs can provide inputs for hydrogen production or act as an LPG replacement for heating and cooking. Additionally, Alimentary Systems has developed an advanced manufacturing supply chain from India, delivering projects that provide a fast return on investment (ROI) by maximizing the value from organic waste, carbon credits, and clean energy. Our process also ensures enhanced nutrient return to the soil, exceeding U.S. biosolids regulation guidelines.

The Path Forward

Successful implementation of SB 1383 requires a coordinated effort between state agencies, local jurisdictions, and private sector innovators like Alimentary Systems. California can achieve its ambitious waste reduction and methane emission goals by fostering partnerships and investing in infrastructure upgrades.


SB 1383 represents a significant milestone in California's environmental policy, setting a precedent for other states. Alimentary Systems is committed to supporting these efforts through innovative solutions that promote sustainable organic waste management. Together, we can create a more sustainable future, turning waste challenges into opportunities for environmental stewardship and resource recovery.


Implementation of SB 1383, California’s New Regulations for Food Waste, Biosolids: By Greg Kester, CASA

Analysis of the Progress Toward the SB 1383 Organic Waste Reduction Goals: California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery


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