Convert council wastewater to a circular system.

Current wastewater treatment processes are linear; converting to a circular system will prevent sludge treatment from causing climate emissions.
Addressing climate change means building new economic models. A Bioenergy Resource Recovery Plant pays itself by creating value from the last mile of waste & reducing capital and operations costs.

Zero Emissions Liability

Reduce all atmospheric greenhouse gas emissions for household food waste and wastewater treatment processes.

Energy Neutrality

Produce high-value biogas that offset costs by generating revenue from green LPG.

Improve Public Health

Safe disposal of wastewater sludge with Zero Liquid Discharge to reduce leaching.

No Increase to Ratepayers

Innovative cost recovery & financing mechanisms to remove upfront investment cover ongoing operating costs.

Reduce Capital Duplication

Combining waste sources reduces land use & capital allocation to reduce the cost per tonne to manage bioorganic waste as landfill fees increase.

Address Legacy Sludge & Primary Industry Waste Compliance Issues

Solve waste minimisation problems in the primary sector & limit carbon liability exposure to ageing discharge methodologies.