The Economic Benefits of a Circular Waste System

Reduce Capital Duplication

Waste streams are traditionally treated as separate. By combining the disposal of wastewater sludge, green waste and food waste, the BRRP will reduce capital duplication by processing multiple waste streams through a single plant.

No Increase in Water Rates

A circular economic model generates revenue, offsets carbon emissions, reduces liability and creates income from commercial ETS credit sales.

A small ITWP reaches break even after seven years. Larger BRRPs can be debt-funded from clean energy investors, or returns from the ITWP revenue can be reinvested in ageing water maintenance.

No matter who owns the BRRP, it will pay for itself without an increase in costs.

Green Economic Growth

Attract investment into high-skilled green jobs. Grants and private investment are available to create new biotech jobs during construction and operations. Growing the local economy will reduce climate issues facing your primary and horticultural industries.


Reduced Land Footprint

A smaller footprint is possible as the BRRP combines multiple waste streams into a single disposal site—no need to purchase land to discharge processed wastewater and reclaim land from sludge ponds.

A BRRP has a significantly smaller footprint than open-air composting, with no odour and 10x faster biodegradation due to heat and pressure.